
Now now now, I know this is going to be an unpopular choice amongst many of the people that (hopefully) will read this, but I feel like it is something I need to get out of my system now.

I am proud to say that I was not one of the twilight fan girls that fell in love with the story only when the movies came out. Yes, I know that there are a lot of issues with Stephenie Meyers' writing within all of the books, but as a 15 year old girl at the time, I absolutely loved the books. The plot gave me hope that all boys are not arses and it made me happy...and that is what a story is meant to do, right? Whether it is good or not, is subjective. But personally, I enjoyed the books.

The films on the other hand....

The films, in my opinion, do not do the books justice at all. The relationship between the 2 leads, Edward and Bella, is portrayed in the films to be very rushed and quite shallow to be honest, thus making it appear to be a stupid teen crush filled with obsession and controlling behaviour. In the book however, this is not how the relationship is shown to be. So that was number one fuck up in the film! 

The second mistake I feel was some major issues in the casting. Kristen Stewart appears to only have one facial expression and the character seems to have a very selective vocabulary, in which the same phrases and ideas are repeated SO MUCH.
A few of the characters were absolutely spot on though. I do believe that casting Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen was a very wise move of the films director, Catherine Hardwicke, as although he is not stunningly beautiful, he fits the description in the book perfectly. As do his mannerisms in the film that many people say is bad acting on Roberts' behalf....when really that is genuinely how the character is shown to act! 

As much as people hate on Twilight, it was obviously very very popular is it brought in a staggering $69,637,740 in its opening weekend in America alone! That is a heck of a lot of money.

As lovely as the film was on its own, there were a hell of a lot of mistakes in...but every film has a few cock ups, right? 

Mistakes within Twilight

I genuinely don't want to spend a lot of time reviewing this film...mainly due to the fact that most people who have heard of it already have their own opinions on the film. Either you are a girl and in love with Robert Pattinson, a person who just likes the story so thought they would check out the films, or you are a dude who has been made to watch the film by a female. Those are generally all of the demographics of the film viewers that I have heard of.

I really wish people would read the books before they start hating on the films. The books are a lot more interesting...even if they are a tad immature and annoying at times. The story is shown in a much better light in the books. Bella doesn't look like a whiny ass girl and Edward doesn't look like a controlling stalker (ish...he still watches her sleep though!)

As much as I loved the film when it first came out and I was swept up in the craze of it all (and even went to the premiere), looking back now and watching it now, I really don't think it is all that great. It's the sort of film you have on in the background whilst you do your hair or talk on the phone.

Maybe this was down to a poor choice of director, maybe poor script writing...or maybe they just didn't know how bloody picky their audience was. This was only the first film of the saga guys, give it a break. Saying that, the sequels do gradually get better and as much as my boyfriend will hate me for saying this, he actually enjoyed the third film (Eclipse) and part 1 of Breaking Dawn. Eclipse contained more action and drama due to a clever choice of director; David Slate was chosen to direct the film due to the fact that the book contains scenes of action and violence and it was felt that he would be perfect for the job seeing as he directed the hit vampire-violence film, 30 Days of Night.

This film is no Blade, no Underworld and definitely no don't watch it with those expectations. If watched with an open mind and you just put up with the dodgy rushed intro, then it is definitely watchable :)

I give this film a 6 out of 10.

Thanks for reading! 
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